Monday, Monday...
Absolutely nothing much to even talk about today. Work - this job is driving me crazy. The witness is nervous and stammers around and pauses long pauses; and she really is getting on my nerves. I can only tolerate listening to her so long and have to get away from it. And the job is going slow at the best of it. Will I ever reach the end! Today is already the 3rd, and bills and IRS taxes are awaiting. I had thought I would do them today; but I will in the morning. That in itself is an all-day job; but maybe I can at least get the important ones taken care of. They'll be calling for this job soon, I'm afraid.
Good news in the news - Tom DeLay is quitting! Umm, where's that big ol' smile you had in your mugshot, Tom!
Scary to think what they might put in his place since the crazy Republicans in his district still voted for him! Even he knows he ain't got a chance!!! Talk about craziness, the Houston Traffic Court decided to put technology to "good" use and spent $13 million on a computer system. The morons didn't teach the judge or the lawyers how to use, I guess, and the poor people had to wait like 7 hours to pay some minor traffic ticket - kids crying and they didn't even have the sense to let folks go home and come back. Oh, boy, can you imagine! Talk about running the blood pressure up! Click2Houston has a video of the news clip; or you can just read it if you're interested.
Garden report: I planted the nasturtium today; they were getting some nice little roots on them; and I planted most of the rest of the zinnias. Just about all my seeds are coming up, though very slowly. They're still way too almost microscopic! -- to put in the ground yet. No doubt I'll run out of garden room and have to make another one. Good luck to me on that one! The new seeds I bought of the morning glories -- let me tell you about them. I read the directions - (fancy that); and did what they said: scored each tiny seed and soaked them in water for a few hours; then put them in the little containers, watered good, covered, and it said to leave them in a dark place till they germinated. Wow, they were sprouting up by two days! I'm learning! Wonder if all these others would have done likewise? Oh, well, they're doing okay. My amarillis getting close to putting out a bloom. It's fun watching them. Of course, it's more instant to buy all these already established, but that would be missing this phase. Waiting and nurturing makes you appreciate them that much more!
God bless the folks in Tennessee. All this weather destruction makes me wonder what we'll all be in for come hurricane season, which is fast approaching.
I did hear the good news about Tom! Bout darn time!!!! At first, I thought it was an April Fool's joke! Yes, thoughts and prayers go out to those folks in Tennessee. You're right about what's coming around the corner...
hurricane season! :-(
Also came across this and thought about you...
Wow! God bless Susan! Not that anybody will listen to her. They tout her as just about a lunatic. But yea, she speaks the truth! The election was crooked as the proverbial dog's hind leg, no doubt about it. Problem is if they did get independent observers, they'd probably get Israel to do it for us! lol
For what it's worth, I'm not too excited over Hillary either. She sold out, just like her hubby did.
Thanks for the link!!
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